Privacy Policy

Effective: January 15, 2024

Welcome to the website. The Website (as that term is defined in CoverAnything's Terms of Use Agreement) is owned and operated by Method Brands, LLC (hereinafter "CoverAnything"). CoverAnything has adopted this privacy policy to provide you with notice of its collection of personal or personally identifiable information from you when you use the Website. Additionally, this privacy policy discloses how CoverAnything uses your personal and personally identifiable information.

CoverAnything may modify, amend, replace, or terminate this Privacy Policy at any time and in its sole and absolute discretion. In the event CoverAnything modifies, amends, or replaces this privacy policy, the Effective Date, located above, will change. Your continued use of the Website after a change in the Effective Date constitutes your manifestation of asset to said change.

Information we collect from you. CoverAnything may collect the following personal or personally identifiable information from you:

  • Information that you voluntarily submit to the Website;
  • Your username, name, email address, phone number, state, country, or zip code;
  • Your payment information, which is used to aid you in completing a transaction;
  • Your IP address;
  • Your geolocation;
  • Your use of the Website;
  • Information stored in cookies, pixel tags, or web beacons; and
  • Any other additional analytics data that you voluntarily submit to the Website.

How we use information we collect from you. CoverAnything may use personal or personally identifiable information from you to:

  • Provide you with the Website and its associated goods or services;
  • To communicate with you;
  • To troubleshoot problems with the Website;
  • To complete a transaction that you have initiated;
  • To update you on changes to the Website; and
  • To update you on our services and the services of third parties.

How we store your information:

  • The Website stores and processes your personal and personally identifiable information on computers located within the United States. By using the Website, you agree to the collection and processing of your personal and personally identifiable information in the United States and expressly waive any rights that you may have under the EU Data Protection Directive, Mexican Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Possessed by Private Persons, or any other foreign jurisdiction's data protection laws.
  • CoverAnything uses commercially standard technology, such as encryption, to protect against the unauthorized disclosure of your personal and personally identifiable information. Though CoverAnything does its best to protect your personal and personally identifiable information from unauthorized disclosure, you provide your personal and personally identifiable information at your own risk.

When we share your information with third parties. CoverAnything will only share your personal or personally identifiable information with third parties in the following situations:

  • Where CoverAnything has obtained your consent;
  • Where it is necessary to provide you with goods or services initiated at your request;
  • Where the Website or CoverAnything has been purchased by a third party;
  • Where it is needed to respond to duly authorized subpoena, court order, or search warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction over CoverAnything;
  • In response to a valid emergency request consistent with 18 U.S.C. §2702(b)(8). CoverAnything will evaluate emergency disclosure requests consistent with the law on a case by case basis and will disclose personal or personally identifiable information if CoverAnything has a good faith belief that there are exigent emergency circumstances that involve the danger of death or serious physical injury to a person;
  • Where it is needed to protect CoverAnything; and
  • Where it is needed to help prevent against fraud or the violation of any applicable law, statute, regulation, ordinance, or treaty.

How you can stop the collection of your personal or personally identifiable information:

  • You can cease CoverAnything's collection of your personal and personally identifiable information by adjusting your web browser settings to block or limit cookies, pixel tags, and web beacons, or by ceasing your use of the Website.

Your duties when using the Website:

  • You have a duty to inform CoverAnything of any changes to your personal or personally identifiable information.

Your California privacy rights:

  • California residents have the right to receive information that identifies any third party companies or individuals that the Website has shared your personal or personally identifiable information with in the previous calendar year, as well as a description of the categories of personal or personally identifiable information disclosed to that third party. You may obtain this information once a year and free of charge by contacting the Website at

How you can contact us:

  • All questions and concerns regarding this privacy policy may be directed to CoverAnything by emailing